The moment you feel you are on right track when it comes to your finances, the major setback comes and disturbs your financial budget badly. Financial tips problems can come out of nowhere. Before you take some action about the current financial situation until it is too late, consider the following tips on how to identify financial problems in your life:
Feeling uneasy about your finances
Well feeling uneasy about your finances is the first sign or early warnings of financial difficulty. If it comes to your mind that you may encounter some financial problem, look for a reason to have that feeling immediately.
Start relying on debit card more
Another way to identify that you are in financial trouble is when you suddenly start using your debit card more for your purchases presuming that you cannot afford to pay your credit card bill on time.
Using credit cards for everything
You can easily identify getting problematic financial life if you regularly use your credit card in place of your debit card for all normal day to day expenses.
Paying the minimum credit card balance
You may invite trouble in your financial tips life when you only pay the minimum amounts needed on your credit cards.
Not having a budget
Not having a spending plan or a budget is a serious issue. If you don’t have budget you just can’t keep your expenses in line and this will lead to overspending and financial stress. So, one must create a budget to keep their income and expenses organized.
Not having enough savings
You can identify financial tips problems if your life when you do not have enough savings. So it is important to have seasonable or annual savings and savings for emergency to cope with any difficult financial situation.
Using overdraft and line of credit
Money withdrawal from RRSPs or TFSAs
You can identify financial tips problem when you are left with no choice but to withdraw money out of your RRSPs or TFSAs to manage urgent financial situations.
No emergency fund
Having a saving account is a necessity for anyone, regardless of income. Some people use the same saving account for emergency and other may have separate emergency fund account. Well if you don’t have one, you may invite big trouble in life. The purpose of having emergency fund is to have money readily available for unexpected expenses.
Borrowing more to pay other loans
Those people who may find the need of begin borrowing at higher rate of interest for cash advances in order to pay other loans or hefty unexpected bills shows the true sign of financial trouble. Borrowing from one credit card to pay for other credit card bill is a long debt cycle that will keep you stressed. High interest payday loans are always a bad idea and will do nothing to get you out of financial trouble.
Not having health insurance
Living without a health insurance can be a huge risk as it could charge you huge medical bills during emergency. One bad accident or sudden surgery can put you into medical debt. So make sure to have enough coverage to keep your family out of financial trouble.
Credit denial
Credit denial should be like a big warning that you can face financial problems in your life. Being denied credit needs, to be taken as a lesson to learn and improving your credit history and credit score.
Inappropriate use of credit
Most families do not use credit appropriately which leads to financial trouble. The borrower needs to make some changes. Quickly when it comes to paying off the loan and paying bills on time. Ignoring debt can harm your financial situation and your credit history badly. Any loan decision, credit usage or credit purchases. Should be made with a plan for how and when they will be paid off.
Sleep less and worry more
Well when you sleep less and worry more, this could be a biggest sign that you are in financial trouble. Everyone has different financial situation and different financial pressure, so it is best to be prepared to overcome your financial problems.
Frequent paycheck advance
If you keep asking for paycheck advance from your employer for one or other reasons, then this needs to be considered serious as you may be in big financial trouble.
Taking your health for granted
If you are avoiding doctor visits and treatment, it may be a major issue as you may have a bad financial situation.
Overtime at regular interval
You work overtime just to cover the cost of basic living expenses. Can be a big sign that you are facing financial problems.
Unpaid taxes
- Unpaid back taxes have a tendency of adding up very quickly if not paid on time and the government is pretty adamant about getting them back.
- So whatever your reason for having a balance, it is better to pay it off on time before it really gets out of hand.
Ignoring financial statements
Another sign that financial trouble may be at your doorstep is when you completely ignore your financial statements. Checking your financial statements regularly. Will give you a clear picture of your finances and boost. You to look for ways to keep your finances on the right track.
Considering bankruptcy
If you feel like considering bankruptcy to overcome financial problems in life, it’s definitely time for help. In some cases, bankruptcy might be the best option but most of the time there are other better options available.
[…] is high time that you should think about saving for your financial emergency day. Emergencies are unpredictable. Appropriate to handle unforeseen expenses, you should save a […]